Nonprofit seeks to improve Jackson Animal Shelter


JACKSON, Mississippi (WLBT) – As of October, the Jackson Animal Shelter has been closed due to several maintenance and personnel issues. However, there is hope for the refuge.

Nonprofits are trying to help improve the shelter, despite slow moving city leaders.

“As the state capital, it should be a shining example for the whole state,” said Lisa Barrett, senior strategist for Best Friends Animal Society – Eastern Region.

For nearly 3 months, the Jackson Animal Shelter has been closed to the public. However, before it closed its doors, help was offered.

Best Friends, a non-profit animal welfare organization, provided up to $ 300,000 in free services.

“After our assessment, we came back with an offer to bring our personal best friend into the shelter, to help them with cleaning protocols, standard operating procedures, whatever they needed,” Barrett said.

However, according to Barrett, the city of Jackson has not given the organization any response as to whether or not the city wants the aid.

“We’re going to keep pushing, until we get a response somehow. We are here to help you. We want to help, ”Barrett said.

Jackson’s mayor’s office issued a statement on the matter saying they are not “averse to using organizations,” however, “arrangements can often take time” and legal issues have yet to be worked out. determined.

But because the office took nearly 6 months to “resolve the legal issues,” volunteers at other shelters said it put pressure on small organizations.

“I know from practical experience that when Animal Control picked up animals right now, they contacted a few of the local rescue groups. These rescue groups help where and when they can, but they are at full capacity, ”said Lyn Crawford, Jackson Friends of the Animal Shelter volunteer.

And that’s why many volunteers hope that the city will accept the offer soon.

“This is a great opportunity for the city to be able to really step up this city animal shelter, hopefully, where it needs to be and then keep it going in the future,” Crawford said.

“We really hope that city council accepts your offer,” Barrett said.

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